Squeeze of Python

This is a free Python Magazine and personal blog of S Ramdas.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

BangPypers Python CD

Bangalore Python User Group a.k.a BangPypers is planning to put together a Python CD containing a compilation of Python related software including editors, toolkits, third party modules, frameworks and web servers. We are also providing lots of documentation including at least three free books and several articles. In short we intend to have practically all Python related software. Initially we are planning to release a CD consisting of approximately 300 MB of software each for Windows and Linux. The idea is to have a CD where you will have all the software that you require for Python development. Since popularity of Python is growing at exponential rates it is likely that this will be a project that will never end. May be very soon this will become a Python DVD project.

We have a wiki set up on www.bangpypers.org. We welcome all to add their favorite Python software in the CD. Please note that we can only carry software that is freely distributable, that is the license should not prohibit us from giving software away on the CD.

If you have any suggestions to offer do mail me on ramdaz [at] gmail [dot] com.


At 10:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

ತಿತು ಕನ್ನ್ದಾ ರಗ್ಥಿಲ್ ಥಿಲ್ಲನ್ ಪದತೆದ


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