Squeeze of Python

This is a free Python Magazine and personal blog of S Ramdas.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Myghty, Pylons and TG

There is little doubt that Myghty in terms of features beats other templating languages. However this one is a bit of a monster, and I have now spent almost four hours trying to learn it. So far it is good. But I am still looking for clues on how I can integrate CSS inside a Myghty document.

Since Myghty is based on Mason, and since there is an excellent book available online on Mason, I am also reading Mason Book online. However Perl is often too cryptic for my more refined ( and sophisticated Pythonic tastes)

Meanwhile I must confess that I am still not able to take a decision between TG and Pylons. Here are some points that I noted on both these products. Mind you these are newbie issues. I have never done web programming myself, only managed projects.


TG promised a lot, but things are very unstable since the upgrade to 0.9a1. First of all I am not able to upgrade some of my PCs to 0.9a1. Despite complaining in the TG forums, no one has bothered to even help me.

From what little I understand, handling Kid and extending CherryPy is likely to be a pain.

On the positive front, the number of enthusiasts backing TG is huge, and according me is ten times that of Pylons. This is critical!

Pylons is simple. But the work seems to be very slow. There are no good tutorials or documentation. This is indeed a huge let down. Again, I am getting no answers to my silly queries on the mailing list. I am hoping that in the coming days things will improve.

Meanwhile I think working on Myghty is a good idea. Somehow the Pylons team is not doing a good job of marketing the project.


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